I don’t believe in beating my kids. So I make them wear a Justin Bieber shirt and Crocs to school so the other kids will do it for me.
How to confuse an idiot
Here is a great video on how to confuse an Idiot
Comment when you figure it out
Expensive or Poor
Not sure if everything is expensive, or I’m just poor.
Hey Google
Hey Google!
Why don’t you let me finish what I’m typing before you start guessing after one ltter, Little cocky aren’t we?
Real Love
Real Love
Parent Signature
Need a parent signature? Good thing I learned cursive. Seems Legit!
Nerd Love
Nerds feel it too.
Smart Friend
My friend thinks he’s smart. He said onions are the only food that make you cry. So i threw a coconut at his face.
What Happened to Horror
WTH happened to horror?
Then and Now. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Aliens, WTF happened?
Chinese Tattoo
This is what it would be like of Chinese people tattooed random English words on themselves.
Advanced Stupid
Advanced Stupid. Just because the year is 2013, doesn’t mean there weren’t years before that ever hear of B.C.? Do people not learn anything in school anymore.