Advanced Stupid. Just because the year is 2013, doesn’t mean there weren’t years before that ever hear of B.C.? Do people not learn anything in school anymore.
Twilight Moms
Twilight Moms – If these were 40 year old men screaming for 17 year old girls someone would call the police
Snow Man For Sale
With a pretty big snow storm coming into the middle Atlantic right now, this has given me some ideas!
Snowmen for sale – Cheap
*assembly required
McDonalds Eggs Before Cooking
McDonalds eggs before they are cooked. Yummy yellow squares!
Getting Away From the Cops
Getting away from the cops like a boss!!
Askhole – A person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them
Target Audience
Yep this seems about right, Target Audience and Actual Audience
In Case of Zombies
In case of Zombies, Break Glass
Emergency Bridge Repair
Emergency Bridge Repair Team
Someone is at the Door
Someone is at the door.
Let me sing them the song of my people.
How to Spell Farm
How does a blonde haired blue eyed Alabaman spell the word farm?